Expectation: Ready ability to communicate concerns and controls required on safety and health matters – with multiple processes for effective communication between workers, supervisors and more senior personnel in the business.
Specify: Communication occurs as required and to a schedule, with formal committees producing minutes, documented meetings sharing instructions/requirements and informal processes in place on site to:
- Involve workers/operators in planning (including risk assessment, hazard identification and control selection) processes
- Inform workers/operators of key business inputs/controls that they should be implementing at tool-box talks and start of shift meetings
- Gather information from workers/operators on concerns, hazards present, incidents and other matters related to safe and productive operation of the site
- Consult on hazard identification and control management processes in place and applied at operational, task and individual levels
- Inform workers and supervisors in start of shift meetings to transfer/receive key safety, health and operational elements of worker’s tasks for the coming shift
- Gather information from representative committees, reflecting operating site structure, are established and monitor processes, performance and progress against improvement plans
- Allow and empower workers to raise concerns over unsafe tasks and challenge instructions to work unsafely
Last Updated: 14/07/2023 04:11:21pm