BI-CPA.13.10 High consequence task permitting

Expectation: Tasks, conducted infrequently in the prevailing setting and/or having a potential consequence of a fatality or major loss – require formal approval from a nominated more senior role holder on site.
Specify: Start of task activities include formal checks to identify if a permit is required. This prompt will identify activity types, locations and settings of work that require permitting. When required, the permitting process involves:

  1. Documenting the steps intended and the control activities to be put in place
  2. Confirming (or developing) the steps, potential failings and required controls (including equipment requirements (considering work environment for deployment and loading from the required tasks), PPE, anchor points, work and retreat locations, etc.) with the workers involved (permitted tasks require more than one person to be on the task – no working alone)
  3. Submission and confirmation of the work plan with the nominated permitting officer (more senior role holder) for the work and sign-off of the permit form
  4. Execution and confirmation of conduct of controls
  5. Hand-over or close out of the permit at the end of work
  6. Lodging the permit with a central group (e.g. Safety Department) for tracking and consolidation
  7. Nominating the types of activity that will require a permit including: working at height; hot-work outside a designated area; work in proximity to power lines; excavating in areas with infrastructure present; penetrating walls and parts of structures; complex isolations; entry to a confined space, and; other tasks with potentially fatal consequences that are conducted infrequently or in a different context.


Last Updated: 14/07/2023 04:03:29pm