3. BI-03P.04 Power line working distance management process - Expectation
Safe working distances are always maintained between power lines and mobile equipment e.g. cranes, trucks, forklifts, etc.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 3 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-03P.04 expectation not apply?
3.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Procedures in place specifying minimum approach distances and required controls when working near and travelling under powerlines.
Warning devices required on power lines - Tiger Tails, Signage and Power Line Corridor entry permits.
3.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Supervisors and mine planners are aware of minimum approach distances to power lines from mobile plant and expected controls e.g. use of permits in some circumstances.
3.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored. Comments could address peer review of designs, survey pick-ups of as-built roadways, and roadway inspection processes (and non-conformance responses).
3.4 - List relevant documents
Please list relevant documents.
3.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach relevant documents.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
7. BI-04D.03 Road design guidelines specify walkway designs considering vehicle sight lines - Expectation
Walkways are designed, constructed and maintained to site standards.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 7 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-04D.03 expectation not apply?
7.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Walkway design and construction includes site requirements for protecting walkways near vehicle travel paths by placing windrows, bunds, physical barriers, crossings, the delineation of no-go and danger zones for pedestrians etc. Vehicle features such as lighting and alarms are considered as part of the preparation of walkways.
7.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Walkways are constructed and maintained to meet site requirements.
Site design requirements are referenced before any walkway modifications are made e.g. new mobile equipment, facility use change etc.
7.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored. Comments could address the design review process and as-built checks by survey
7.4 - List relevant documents
Please list relevant documents.
7.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach relevant documents.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
9. BI-04D.21 Road design guidelines specify minimum parking area requirements - Expectation
Walkways are designed, constructed and maintained to site standards.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 9 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-04D.21 expectation not apply?
9.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Parking area designs are fit for purpose. Parking areas are constructed and maintained to meet site requirements.
9.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Parking area designs and construction include layouts for crib areas that segregate vehicle types and provide walkways at safe locations.
9.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
Comments could address how designs are executed by road construction crews - placing windrows and berms as required to segregate vehicle types and walkways - with subsequent pick-up by surveys and monitoring through roadway inspection processes.
9.4 - List relevant documents
Please list relevant documents.
9.5 Attach relevant document
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
4. BI-03P.11 Clear requirements for loading of trucks by digger/loader - Expectation
Loading mobile equipment is safe and productive.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 4 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-03P.11 expectation not apply?
4.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.The loading system must prevent the cabin from loads that exceeds the maximum weight impact to protect the operator.
Operational and safety requirements are specified in procedures and other documents and media e.g. instructional videos. They provide information to the operator about:
- Vehicle access
- Vehicle loading
- Vehicle exit
- Leaving the vehicle during loading
- Emergency response
They include relevant change management thresholds such as:
- Changes in vehicle type
- New operators
4.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Parking area designs and construction include layouts for crib areas that segregate vehicle types and provide walkways at safe locations.
4.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
Comments could address how designs are executed by road construction crews - placing windrows and berms as required to segregate vehicle types and walkways - with subsequent pick-up by surveys and monitoring through roadway inspection processes.
4.4 - List relevant documents
Please list relevant documents.
5. BI-04P.01 Vehicle interactions are considered as part of the short-term planning processes - Expectation
Loading mobile equipment is safe and productive.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 5 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-04P.01 expectation not apply?
5.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.Short term planning processes consider Operator control requirements as well as vehicle and work group interactions.
Operational and safety requirements are specified in procedures and other documents and media e.g. instructional videos. They provide information to the operator about:
- Vehicle access
- Vehicle loading
- Vehicle exit
- Leaving the vehicle during loading
- Emergency response
They include relevant change management thresholds such as:
- Changes in vehicle type
- New operators
5.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Technical planners and operational superintendents review skills of available operators and vehicle/work group interactions during planning.
Supervisors issue instructions based on short term plans.
5.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
Comments could address how designs are executed by road construction crews - placing windrows and berms as required to segregate vehicle types and walkways - with subsequent pick-up by surveys and monitoring through roadway inspection processes.
5.4 - List relevant documents
Please list relevant documents.
5.5 Attach relevant document