1. BI-02P.02 Regular checking and maintenance for cabin integrity, restraints, access and escape, auto shutdowns and other relevant protective systems - Expectation
The protective systems on site approved mobile equipment remain functional.
How do we currently meet this expectation? Is it relevant to us?
If No to question 1 above please provide details below
Why doesn't BI-02P.02 expectation not apply?
1.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is the text in the document(s) that requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Maintenance strategies related to cabins and passenger restraints are in place for all vehicles on site - with regular visual checks, measurements (with tolerances), and replacement of components scheduled based on OEM recommendations and site duty requirements.
1.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Work orders for equipment on site are completed in a timely manner - and cabin integrity, restraints, and emergency egress items in cabins are given a higher priority - with potentially more frequent proof testing and replacement.
1.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored. This should include samples of work-order close-out and oversight by senior personnel tracking key maintenance tasks.
1.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
1.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please upload documents here.
2. BI-02P.03 Regular checking and maintenance of vehicle lights and markings - Expectation
Vehicle lights and markings on site approved mobile equipment are visible and functional during normal operations.
How do we currently meet this expectation? Is it relevant to us?
If No to question 2 above please provide details below
Why doesn't BI-02P.03 expectation not apply?
2.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Maintenance strategies related to lights and markings are in place for all vehicles on site. These include prestart checks confirming the presence and clarity of identification decals, whip flags (for light vehicles), flashing lights (of required colour for the vehicle type), and mirrors/vision aids.
2.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Work orders for lights and equipment marking are completed in a timely manner.
2.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
2.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
2.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please upload documents here.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
3. BI-02P.04 Regular checking and maintenance of alarms, monitors, cameras and other warning devices - Expectation
Mobile equipment alarms, cameras and advice screens are functional during operations.
How do we currently meet this expectation? Is it relevant to us?
If No to question 3 above please provide details below
Why doesn't BI-02P.04 expectation not apply?
3.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Maintenance strategies related to alarms, cameras and monitors are in place for all vehicles on site - with regular visual checks, measurements (with tolerances), and replacement of components scheduled based on OEM recommendations and site duty requirements.
3.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Work orders for equipment on site are completed in a timely manner - and alarms, cameras and monitors in cabins are given a higher priority - with potentially more frequent proof testing and replacement.
3.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
3.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
3.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please upload documents here.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
4. BI-02P.05 Regular checking and maintenance of alarms, monitors, cameras and other warning devices - Expectation
Mobile equipment speedometers are accurate.
How do we currently meet this expectation? Is it relevant to us?
If No to question 4 above please provide details below
Why doesn't BI-02P.05 expectation not apply?
4.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Maintenance strategies related to speed monitoring are in place for all vehicles on site - with regular checks, including calibration of speedometers and confirmation of status of operator information panels.
4.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Work orders for equipment on site are completed in a timely manner - including speed detection devices, and calibration of speedometers.
4.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
4.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
4.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please upload documents here.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
5. BI-02P.08 Regular checking and maintenance of key systems, brakes, steering and tyres - Expectation
Mobile equipment functionality - with a focus on brakes (including propulsion elements on electric drive vehicles), steering and tyres on site approved mobile equipment are monitored and well maintained.
How do we currently meet this expectation? Is it relevant to us?
If No to question 5 above please provide details below
Why doesn't BI-02P.08 expectation not apply?
5.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Maintenance strategies related to vehicle functions/capabilities, brakes, steering, tyres and tyres are in place for all vehicles on site - with regular visual checks, measurements (with tolerances), and replacement of components scheduled as guided by OEM recommendations and site duty requirements. Defect reports, alarms and non-conforming actions of operators are used as triggers for conducting additional inspections/maintenance.
5.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Work orders for equipment on site are completed in a timely manner - and brakes, steering, tyres and running gear are given a higher priority - with potentially more frequent proof testing and replacement.
5.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
5.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
5.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please upload documents here.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
14. BI-02S.04 Regular checking and maintenance of infrastructure and fixed plant - Expectation
Site infrastructure and fixed plant remains structurally sound.
How do we currently meet this expectation? Is it relevant to us?
If No to question 14 above please provide details below
Why doesn't BI-02S.04 expectation not apply?
14.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Maintenance strategies related to site infrastructure and fixed plant are in place for all locations on site.
14.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Work orders for infrastructure and fixed plant on site are completed in a timely manner.
14.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
14.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
14.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please upload documents here.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.