1. BI-01S.01 Clear operator performance management expectations supported by an active and consistent performance management process - Expectation
Line managers ensure that safe, productive behaviours are recognised, and action is taken to correct unsafe and non-productive behaviours.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 1 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-01S.01 expectation not apply?
1.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Key performance requirements are included as competency elements in training and addressed as they arise.
1.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Training and assessment of site performance expectations is carried out to confirm understanding of:
- Site rules
- Site procedures
- Following instructions
- Stopping for safety issues
- Site signs
Critical Control Protocols or equivalent.
1.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
1.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
1.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach all relevant documents.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
2. BI-01S.03 Consultation and communication on safety and health - Expectation
Multiple processes are in place for effective two-way communication across all organisational levels.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 2 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-01S.03 expectation not apply?
2.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Formal and informal processes in place to:
- Involve workers/operators in planning processes;
- Inform workers/operators of key business inputs/controls that they should be implementing at tool-box talks and start of shift meetings;
- Gather information from workers/operators on concerns, hazards present, incidents and other matters related to safe and productive operation of the site
Consultative hazard identification and control management processes are in place and applied at operational, task and individual levels.
Start of shift meetings are conducted to transfer/receive key safety, health and operational elements of worker's tasks.
Representative committees, reflecting operating site structure, are established and monitor processes, performance and progress against improvement plans.
2.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Workers/operators participate in planning processes, changes to plant/process/workplaces and incident reviews.
Workers/operators report hazards, incidents and other concerns to supervisors and more senior site personnel as required.
Required meetings are held amongst work crews at the start of each shift and more generally across site (e.g. toolbox talk) as a regular meeting.
2.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
Trainers confirm that workers/operators are informed of the formal and informal consultation and communication strategies available on site.
Records of communication are collected, stored and accessed in line with site information control requirements.
2.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
2.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach all relevant documents.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
3. BI-03D.01 Road design guidelines set minimum standards for the construction and maintenance of the road network - Expectation
Road design guidelines require that the development and maintenance of the physical operating environment adequately considers prevailing site conditions, the experience of mobile equipment operators (controllers) and equipment types/mix.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 3 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-03D.01 expectation not apply?
3.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Mine Design engineering guidelines ask and answer the key questions:
- If truck haulage is considered, are the ramps designed to accommodate truck haulage?
- Can they be loaded and have adequate turning and dumping areas or are additional excavations required?
- What distance must equipment travel for repairs and refuelling?
- Is the loss of production opportunity less costly than the cost of establishing service and refuelling areas?
- Can we use satellite or technological systems that identify the positions of vehicles?
Site road design guidelines provide site specifications for:
- Grade
- Curvature
- Line of sight (including orientation of U/G portals, break-aways/intersections, management of doors/ventilation screens and longer haul roads)
- Pavement shape
- Surface / pavement material
- Construction/mining of segregated roadways to separate HME and LVs as far as practicable
- Guideposts/delineators/roadway (hanging wall) signage
- Parking areas size and delineation
- Stockpiles, accesses to bins and roadways around infrastructure
- Safety berms or windrows
- Dump geometry (including tip heads)
- Signs and barriers
- Lighting (area and traffic control)
Scheduled and damage response repair works are included in the required activities of the Development and Road Construction crew(s) on site - with appropriate equipment to maintain roadway pavements and provide best possible driving directions with consideration of prevailing conditions, dust sources and other factors which impact vehicle operator's ability to safely operate.
3.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Development and subsequent road construction and maintenance crews undertake required roadway construction and maintenance tasks - confirming that designs are delivered and maintained.
Road networks/excavations are constructed and maintained to meet designs.
3.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
All mined openings are picked up by Survey to confirm alignment with design and/or identify non-conformances.
Work area inspections confirm the conditions of roadways on a regular basis.
3.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
3.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach all relevant documents.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
4. BI-03P.11 Clear requirements for loading of trucks by digger/loader - Expectation
Loading mobile equipment is safe and productive.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 4 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-03P.11 expectation not apply?
4.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
The loading system must prevent the cabin from loads that exceeds the maximum weight impact to protect the operator.
Operational and safety requirements are specified in procedures and other documents and media e.g. instructional videos. They provide information to the operator about:
- Vehicle access
- Vehicle loading
- Vehicle exit
- Leaving the vehicle during loading
- Emergency response
They include relevant change management thresholds such as:
- Changes in vehicle type
- New operators
4.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Engineering sign off that the loading system and the vehicle in use meet are fit for use.
Vehicle operators are trained and assessed in loading requirements including emergency response.
4.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
4.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
4.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach all relevant documents.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
5. BI-03T.01 Ceasing Operations Procedure - compromised operating environment - Expectation
Sites should have cease operations processes (Trigger Action Response Processes/Plans) in place for situations for when it is no longer safe to continue normal operations using mobile equipment.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 5 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-03T.01 expectation not apply?
5.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Procedures in place for compromised operating conditions
Develop and implement a process to cease operations in situations where it is no longer safe to operate mobile equipment:
- Failure of roadways e.g. slumps, washouts, sink holes
- Actual or potential geotechnical failures
- Fires and smoke
- Floods
- Precipitation: snow, sleet, rain, hail etc.
- Dust
- Temperature extremes
- Infrastructure potential or actual failure
- Potentially explosive(e.g. methane rich) atmospheres
- Falls of ground
- Seismic events
- Loss of ventilation
- Animals, etc.
5.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Training and assessment in requirements for vehicle operators, supervisors and management.
5.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
5.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
5.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach all relevant documents.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
6. BI-03T.10 TARPs prepared for unwanted conditions - Expectation
Trigger action response plans (TARPs) are put in place for conditions which will impact on the site's ability to achieve safe movement of mobile equipment.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No for question 6 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-03T.10 expectation not apply?
6.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Subjects covered should include - electrical storms, high winds/raised dust, reduced visibility (e.g. loss of area lighting), road pavement conditions (wet, damaged, etc.), compromised road network, etc.
Why - To minimise the chance of incidents due to emerging workplace conditions.
Where - All locations.
When - Any time a change occurs to an underlying threat.
Example of Requirements:
- Green Level. Threat is not present and/or is well managed using routine processes and machinery.
- Yellow Level (optional). Threat is present but not to an extent that is hazardous. This level is addressed by increased vigilance and communication.
- Amber Level. Threat level has increased and can be managed through changes to processes and heightened vigilance of workers and supervisors.
Red Level. Threat is continuing to increase and workers (apart from any deployed to reduce the threat) are withdrawn to safe locations.
6.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Supervisors and workers are trained in developed TARPs and their competence is confirmed.
Conditions beyond those expected trigger an appropriate response from sites escalating awareness and ceasing operations as appropriate. More significant (Amber and above) triggers are communicated to more senior personnel on site.
6.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
6.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
6.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach all relevant documents.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
7. BI-04D.03 Road design guidelines specify walkway designs considering vehicle sight lines - Expectation
Walkways are designed, constructed and maintained to site standards.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 7 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-04D.03 expectation not apply?
7.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Walkway design and construction includes site requirements for protecting walkways near vehicle travel paths by placing windrows, bunds, physical barriers, crossings, the delineation of no-go and danger zones for pedestrians etc. Vehicle features such as lighting and alarms are considered as part of the preparation of walkways.
7.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Walkways are constructed and maintained to meet site requirements.
Site design requirements are referenced before any walkway modifications are made e.g. new mobile equipment, facility use change etc.
7.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
7.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
7.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach all relevant documents.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
8. BI-04D.05 Road design guidelines specify minimum requirements for delineation - Expectation
The design and installation of delineators assists mobile equipment operators to accurately estimate separation distances.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 8 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-04D.05 expectation not apply?
8.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Road designs and construction requirements include standards for the accurate spacing of delineators along the road network.
Spacing guideposts are placed at distances relative to the distance required to be maintained between mobile vehicles. Red reflectors must be used on the left, white on the right.
8.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Road construction crews place and maintain delineators at required distances.
8.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
8.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
8.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach all relevant documents.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
9. BI-04D.21 Road design guidelines specify minimum parking area requirements - Expectation
Parking area designs are fit for purpose. Parking areas are constructed and maintained to meet site requirements.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 9 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-04D.21 expectation not apply?
9.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Parking area designs and construction include layouts for crib areas that segregate vehicle types and provide walkways at safe locations.
9.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Designs are executed by road construction crews - placing windrows and berms as required to segregate vehicle types and walkways.
9.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
9.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
9.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach all relevant documents.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
10. BI-04P.03 Same direction travelling and queuing separation protocols - Expectation
Nil vehicle to vehicle contacts during travelling and queuing operations.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 10 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-04P.03 expectation not apply?
10.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Site requirements for separation between vehicles when travelling in the same direction, and when queuing, are clearly stated.
10.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Vehicle operators are trained and assessed on their understanding of required separation distances - including challenge testing and observation to confirm they are alert to road network features which provide additional guidance on how far they are from the vehicle in front.
10.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
10.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
10.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach all relevant documents.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
11. BI-04P.04 Vehicle entering a work area positive communications protocol - Expectation
All personnel operating vehicles remain alert and situationally aware when working in congested areas.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 11 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-04P.04 expectation not apply?
11.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Communications requirements detail vehicle entry requirements to congested work areas e.g. loading
At a minimum these requirements cover:
- Work area delineation (where to stop and queue etc.)
- Radio (or other communications) call up protocols
- Following signs
Confirming that communication has been received.
11.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Training and Assessment in requirements for Positive Communications for Entering a Work Area requirements included in generally delivered modules (e.g. Induction) and reinforced in Vehicle Operation modules. Start of shift or similar briefings should identify intended active haul circuits / work areas and include guidance information on the area owners and required communication to occur prior to entry into these areas.
Permanent or mobile signs for call up requirements.
11.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
11.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
11.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach all relevant documents.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
12. BI-04P.06 Protocols for approaching and accessing mobile equipment - Expectation
Approaching and accessing equipment follows defined processes that limit the potential for an unwanted interaction between vehicles and/or pedestrians.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 12 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-04P.06 expectation not apply?
12.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Sites have established approaches for approaching and accessing mobile equipment.
Vehicles approaching a working item of heavy equipment (HV) establish positive communications, the HV moves into a safe state with park brake engaged, access ladder lowered and (as appropriate) implements grounded. Once in a safe state the approaching vehicle/pedestrian is contacted by the HV operator and an approach can occur.
12.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Training with assessment covering the requirements for approaching vehicles underground is carried out.
12.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
12.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
12.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach all relevant documents.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
13. BI-04P.08 Pedestrian working in operational area communications protocol - Expectation
Personnel working on the ground in mobile equipment operational able to effectively communicate.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 13 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-04P.08 expectation not apply?
13.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
When personnel are working on the ground at least one member of the work party must be in possession of a two way radio or equivalent.
Standard radio (or other communications) call up protocols are followed.
When pedestrians cannot move to a position of safety in a roadway, the vehicle must stop, the operator must acknowledge the pedestrian presence and allow the pedestrians to walk past the vehicle before continuing.
13.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Training and assessment in requirements for working in operational areas are provided at induction and reinforced in training. Start of shift or similar briefings identify workgroup interactions and confirm required communication before entry and during work. Permanent or mobile signs provide call up information.
13.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
13.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
13.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach all relevant documents.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
14. BI-04P.10 Specification covering escorting requirements - Expectation
Vehicles that are not approved for unrestricted site access are escorted. Site escort requirements are clear and deliver safe and productive outcomes.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 14 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-04P.10 expectation not apply?
14.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Short term access for vehicles that do not meet site requirements is managed using the site escort process.
Vehicle operators being escorted are briefed on communication protocols, travel separation distances, restricted locations, road conditions, emergency protocols etc.
Personnel who provide the escort are authorised.
14.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Training and assessment of vehicle operators in escorting requirements. Access under escort permit by any vehicle not approved for unrestricted use on site.
14.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
14.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
14.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach all relevant documents.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
15. BI-04P.12 Established requirements for parking and resting in vehicles - Expectation
Parking and leaving parked positions does not result in mobile equipment interaction incidents.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 15 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-04P.12 expectation not apply?
15.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Where permitted on site, there is a documented requirement for vehicle operators to park in an authorised location, isolate the vehicle prior to resting and complete an around vehicle inspection before moving off.
Parking, the use of designated parking locations and adapting to parking in locations without designated locations are included in procedures and training resources for vehicle operators.
15.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Training and assessment in requirements for resting in vehicles covering
- Park in an authorised location
- Isolate the vehicle prior to resting
Follow move off from parking requirements.
15.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
15.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
15.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach all relevant documents.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
16. BI-04P.13 Established requirements for approaching parked mobile equipment in operational areas - Expectation
Personnel approaching a vehicle parked in operational areas are not endangered by an unexpected vehicle movement.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 16 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-04P.13 expectation not apply?
16.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Sites set minimum requirements for approaching and accessing parked mobile equipment, these consider the:
- Possibility of a resting operator who wakes up and moves off without detecting the person accessing the parked equipment
- The position for parking other vehicles
- Communication with parked equipment to confirm the presence of an operator
- Direction of travel if the parked vehicle drives or rolls away
Isolation requirements on entering the footprint of the parked vehicle.
16.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Training and assessment in requirements for accessing parked vehicles.
16.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
16.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
16.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach all relevant documents.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
17. BI-04P.14 Positive communication protocol for passing or moving close to a vehicle - Expectation
Passing of vehicles is well managed and based on positive communications.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 17 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-04P.14 expectation not apply?
17.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Communications requirements detail passing vehicle requirements. At a minimum these requirements cover:
- Radio (or other communications) call up protocols
Confirming that communication has been received.
17.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Training and Assessment in requirements for Positive Communications are included in generally delivered modules (e.g. Induction) and reinforced in Vehicle Operation modules. Start of shift or similar briefings should identify intended active haul circuits / work areas and include guidance information on the area owners and required communication to occur prior to passing.
Permanent or mobile signs for call up requirements.
17.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
17.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
17.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach all relevant documents.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
18. BI-04T.01 Ceasing Operations Procedure - significant interaction threats - Expectation
Sites should have cease operations processes (Trigger Action Response Processes/Plans) in place for situations for where significant interaction threats have the potential to develop.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 18 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-04T.01 expectation not apply?
18.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Develop and implement a process to cease operations in situations where it is no longer safe to operate mobile equipment because of significant interaction threats caused by:
- Unauthorised access (pedestrian or vehicles)
Non reversible equipment moving underground.
18.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Training and assessment in requirements for vehicle operators, supervisors and management.
18.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
18.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
18.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach all relevant documents.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
19. BI-05D.01 Clear accountabilities for managers, superintendents and supervisors are included in comprehensive, site relevant road design guidelines and traffic management plans - Expectation
Site road design guidelines and traffic management plans identify specific accountabilities by organisation position.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 19 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-05D.01 expectation not apply?
19.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Site road design guidelines and traffic management plans identify specific accountabilities by organisation position.
Competent senior managers, line managers and supervisors understand their accountabilities to:
- Develop and maintain roads that meet road design standards including meeting regulatory requirements
Develop and maintain effective traffic management plans.
19.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Line managers are confirmed as being competent in meeting their accountabilities for mine design and traffic management plans. There is a formal process for approving new roads development and traffic management plans. This includes ensuring that all regulatory obligations are met.
19.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
19.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
19.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach all relevant documents.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
20. BI-05D.02 Clear accountabilities for planners are included in comprehensive and site relevant road design guidelines and traffic management plans - Expectation
Site road design guidelines and traffic management plans identify specific accountabilities for planners.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 20 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-05D.02 expectation not apply?
20.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
Site road design guidelines and traffic management plans identify specific accountabilities for planners to ensure that resources are allocated and managed for:
- Developing and maintaining roads that meet road design standards
- Developing and maintaining effective traffic management plans
Planners reference and apply site road design and traffic management plans to ensure safe and productive operations.
20.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
Short term planners trained and assessed in mine design guidelines and develop plans according to the guidelines. Issued designs are formally reviewed and marked as approved to mine / construct. Traffic management is considered at each process step.
20.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
20.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
20.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach all relevant documents.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
21. BI-05P.03 Consultation and communication on traffic management plan - Expectation
Mobile equipment operators and other involved personnel contribute to a safe and productive mobile equipment operations site.
Is the expectation of this Business Input relevant in your circumstances?
If No to question 21 above please provide details
Why doesn't BI-05P.03 expectation not apply?
21.1 - Specification
Please provide details of where the specification can be found. Provide specific references, that is text which requires this Business Input - not just a document name.
The site has a formal consultation and communication approach that includes the development and maintenance of a traffic management plan.
The process:
- Involves knowledgeable and experienced personnel in planning
- Informs all personnel on their responsibilities and expected actions
Gathers information about concerns, hazards, incidents and other matters related to safe and productive operations.
21.2 - Implement
Describe how the Business Input is implemented. Is it adequate, consistent, reliable, and repeatable? Do people know what is expected of them?
The traffic management plan is signed off.
Trainers confirm that workers/operators are informed of the formal and informal consultation and communication strategies available on site.
Workers/operators participate in planning processes, changes to plant/process/workplaces and incident reviews.
Workers/operators report hazards, incidents and other concerns to supervisors and more senior site personnel as required.
Records of communication are collected, stored and accessed in line with site information control requirements.
21.3 - Monitor
Please provide details of how the status of the Business Input is monitored.
21.4 - List relevant documents
Please list all relevant documents.
21.5 - Attach relevant documents
Please attach all relevant documents.
Note : Please do not Submit until the Uploaded Successfully alert pops up.
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