BI-SRA.97.10 Audits of operational systems

Expectation: Requirements to internally, externally and indepently audit site systems help to identify improvement opportunities to move to leading practice processes for work on site.
Specify: All operating systems – covering business, engineering, health and safety, environment, community and other activities are crtically reviewed to identify improvement opportunities. This process includes:

  1. Identifying all business systems functioning on the site and setting an audit frequency. Shorter frequencies (6 monthly) are set for systems that are frequently relied upon or changed and for systems that influence worker decisions in high consequence potential activities. Longer audit frequencies (annual or 2 yearly) apply to other systems
  2. Designing and executing audits to confirm that requirements meet leading practice (comparing to standards, external benchmarks and guidelines) and that they are functioning. This confirms that documentation/information is available for planners, supervisors and workers making decisions on the job. The tools also guide auditors to confirm that tasks are occurring in line with requirements and associated training and supervision is in place and effective
  3. Audits are set for at least: Business (financial) Management; Insurance (Personal Injury, Business Interruption, etc.); Maintenance (CMMS); Health and Safety (HSMS); Environmental Management Systems; Community and Third Party Liaison; Emergency Management, and; Crisis Response
  4. Nominating Accountable roles in the management team to – commission, support and react to non-conformances identified from – audits of site systems
  5. Audit reports are maintained in site information management systems


Last Updated: 18/07/2023 09:04:29am