BI-CDH.04.10 Requirements for working at height – information prepared for workers

Expectation: Specific information related to required skills for identifying and working at height are provided to workers before they can be authorised (after demonstrating competence) to perform these tasks.
Specify: Specific skills included in work at height training include:

  1. Identification of when a work area requires work at height considerations (based on potential for fall and harm that could result)
  2. Knowledge of considerations to make and information to include in Work at Height permits – including fall risks, floor and surface conditions (and measures to implement such as temporary plywood flooring), height to impact point, considerations for machinery (EWP’s, Load moving devices, required PFAS etc.)
  3. Information on measures to implement at height, maintaining multiple (3) points of contact, always being restrained (PFAS), not working at unsafe positions on ladders (having ladders tied off and not accessing top 3 straight or top rung of step ladder), using lanyards with harnesses and on tool connection points, only carrying required tools and components, lowering any buckets/baskets before moving, etc.
  4. Requirements for equipment and scaffold that provide access to elevated work positions – detailing estimation of loads (including load size with no protrusion of tools and components from a basket, and confirming loads won’t exceed equipment capacities), requirements for footings (with placement of dunnage to increase bearing surfaces), and confirmation of stability, pre-use checks and confirmation of authority to use the equipment
  5. Selecting, inspecting, wearing/using and storing: anchor points (permanent or temporary); lanyards (identifying appropriate type to use in the situation (prevent, arrest, retracting (Salablocks), etc.)); connections (dual-action and rated – carabiners, shackles, etc.); harnesses, and; tools (with connection points for lanyards to prevent falls or dropping of items)
  6. Work area inspection, use and end-of-job tasks – with confirmation of edge protection (and kick plates), integrity of flooring and handrails, amount and manner of storing components and debris, and housekeeping during and after work
  7. Making allowance for recovering from a fall position, how to confirm all equipment and PPE (including Personal Fall Arrest Systems (PFAS) and Personal Floatation Devices (PFDs) when over water) is matched to the work setting, techniques for minimising suspension trauma (keeping legs in motion, adopting a horizontal or seated position, etc.) and information to include in material for emergency responders
  8. PPE that has been in an incident is to be destroyed/permanently removed from service after any investigation (including external) is completed


Last Updated: 14/07/2023 03:51:33pm